Friday, October 26, 2012

The 8 Oddest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figures

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutrles were an absolute hit in the 1980's. They spawned a lot of toys, including some... weird ones. That's what this article's about: Weird TMNT toys from the 1980's and 1990's.

8) Vernon Fenwick

In 1992, Playamtes launched the Toon Turtles line, a set of figures that would be much closer to the cartoon than the older toys, which were closer to the original comic. In addition, the line would feature characters from the show who did not have toys before that point, including the long-awaited Irma!

After seeing Irma Langenstein immortalized in plastic, children everywhere wondered who was going to come next! Would it be Lotus Blossom? The dastardly Don Turtelli? Krang before being seperated from his dinosaur-like body and placed in the Pillsbury Doughboy? 

No. Instead we got Vernon Fenwick. Most fans couldn't stand Vernon, so why him over Hamato Yoshi (pre-Retromutagen Ooze) or some of the recurring baddies that weren't available?

7) Clownin' Mike

One of the core aspects of the line was the countless variants of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There were Star Trek turtles, military turtles, and yes, clown turtles. Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady, and even April got their fair share as well. Surely, this one is in character (as he's the silliest) but it's still bizarre.

6) Bandito Michealangelo

I have noticed Michealangelo always gets the stupidest variants. Case in point: this. At least the eyes are like the cartoon...

5) Turtle Trolls

In order to capitalize on the Troll Doll craze that was just hitting, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutrles hybridized with trolls. Sure, it had been done before, with the Stone Protectors:

Not pictured. The villains. Also Opal. Because she was never released.
and the Battle Trolls:

This time, it was the turtles themselves doing it. Could you imagine Power Rangers trolls? Or Sonic trolls? (or Sonic with a Bieber bowl). Thankfully, no Shredder troll. However, an April O'Neil with hair like a Barbie was released.

4) Scratch

This guy right here is probably the most valuable figure in the whole line. He's not in any other material beyond the toys (which applied to a lot of characters), but is very similar to the Archie Comics villain Halocat. They are both bandit cats who were mutated from normal cats. If Scratch really is Halocat, why was there never a Ninjara figure? If he isn't, why is he so valuable? He's just another figure. Was he so hated that he was pulled, killing the chances for Ninjara and Armagrron toys? (outside of maybe the classics line or new versions in the Nickelodeon show) Was he a special promotional figure, never meant to be sold at normal retail?

3) Sumo Raphael

Not even the dark, grim Red Sky era was safe from stupid variants. Just look at Sumo Raphael.  He really lost himself. Check out that belly!

2) My First Turtles

The My First Turtles were an attempt to cash in on Water Babies and other such products. The box reads "He's warm, he's wiggly, he's a mutant turtle!" Lets hope there wasn't a My First Krang.

1) Burne Thompson

It's April O' Neil's boss. Eh? Why did he get a toy and not, say Lord Dregg?

Maybe because he was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles equivalent to Mephiles?

Or Ninjara?
She's actually becoming one of my favorites.

Or Armaggon?


There were dozens of awesome TMNT characters who were left toyless. But Burne Thompson did get a toy. He comes with such boring accessories as a sandwich, a press pass that does not fit on him, and a cameracorder. Burne's figure is just one giant "Why?" It is one of the greatest questions in the universe, going up there with "Where is Blaze from?" "What species is Yoda?"

1 comment:

  1. The reason Ninjara never got an action figure was because she was not owned by Mirage Studios. When the Archie series ended, the rights to Ninjara stayed with the people who created her, as they made a comic series themed around her.

    Also, Lord Dregg was toyless because of the show's decline in ratings, as most of its target audience moved on to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers at the time.
